Debate on the European elections
These candidates took part in the debate: Violeta Tomić (United European Left), Frans Timmermans (Progressive Alliance of Social Democrats in the European Parliament), Bas Eickhout (The Greens), Guy Verhofstadt (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe) and Jan Zahradil (European Conservatives and Reformists).
In advance, young people could ask questions for the debate. They focused on digital policy, sustainability and the future of the EU. Young people want a strong, democratic Europe based on solidarity. Frans Timmermans of the Social Democrats, caused irritation and laughter with his call "Go vote green", but made it clear: "Not only the Greens make green politics. We're not in a competition here. This isn't a beauty contest. It's about our future".
Together with the Europa Union Berlin and the Young European Movement Berlin (JEB), we organized a public viewing in Berlin that was well attended. Young people are very interested in Europe and the European elections. What a pity that none of the national parties and media reported on the debate. Committed reporting is important if the European election campaign is to be truly European and if the differences between the parties are to be clearly shown. Thus, the relevance of the European elections in politics and society can be adequately represented.
"By participating in the European elections, we can elect the politicians*women who will develop Europe for youth, for ecological responsibility and social justice", Jannis Pfendtner calls for the election.
The debate is available online here.
[translated via]