Developers meeting regarding open communication
Foto: Aaron Remus/DBJR (CC0)
At software sprints, developers and other interested parties meet to discuss issues, present further developments and collaboratively develop ideas in a creative process. This year's sprint around XMPP actually should have taken place in the DBJR's premises like last year. Due to the measures taken to contain the corona epidemic, we had to cancel the live meeting in Berlin - and without further ado we moved it to the virtual space.
The almost 20 participants from several countries put together a dense program for the sprint. In the first part of the sprint, the highly motivated developers will discuss improvements in group chats, easier-to-use end-to-end encryption and criteria for a generally recommended XMPP server list. The first chat client that will use this list is the DBJR-supported cross-operating system chat client Kaidan. The first generally available trial version of Kaidan is expected as a result of the sprint.
To enable virtual collaboration, we have set up an internal video conferencing server. This server, Jitsi, is itself based on XMPP technologies. The digital meeting is thus also a self-test of how to conduct sprints with as little data as possible or with as much data protection as possible. For all those interested, there is a wiki page for the sprint at with further information as well as a link to the chat group and a pad with daily intermediate results.