EU Youth Conference on live stream and social media
Under the title "Europe for YOUth - YOUth for Europe: Space for democracy and Participation" the participants will discuss and formulate their demands for effective youth participation and a strong democracy in the European Union. A digital space will be created in which common positions can be developed and handed over to politics.
Federal Minister for Youth Dr Franziska Giffey, high-ranking representatives of the European Commission such as the Youth Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, and members of the European Parliament will enter into dialogue with youth representatives of the EU member states. The young Europeans will work on concrete proposals on how the European Union can create scope for young people, further develop participation and thus strengthen democracy. As the German Federal Youth Council (DBJR), we organized the online conference together with the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).
In addition to workshops, BarCamp sessions and a World Café on the European Youth Goal #9, the program includes dialogues with political decision-makers. With the official opening on Friday and the official closing on Monday, two decisive moments of the youth conference will be broadcast live via public stream:
02.10.20, 17:00-18:00: Official Opening
Opening speeches by Federal Minister for Youth Dr Franziska Giffey, Federal Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel (video adress), President of the EU Commission Dr Ursula von der Leyen (video adress) and the Presidents of the German Federal Youth Council, Lisi Maier and Tobias Köck
Interactive panel discussion "Youth and Democracy" with Federal Minister for Youth Dr Franziska Giffey, European Youth Forum Board Member Silja Markkula as well as DBJR Board Member Marius Schlageter
Live stream via Vimeo channel of DBJR (English)
05.10.20, 16:00-17:30: Official Closing
"Strengthening democracy in Europe by promoting spaces and participation for all: Results of the EU Youth Conference" with Federal Minister for Youth Dr Franziska Giffey and the President of the Portuguese National Youth Council, Rita Saias
Closing Speeches and Handover to the upcoming Portuguese EU Presidency with DBJR President Tobias Köck, Federal Minister for Youth Dr Franziska Giffey, Portuguese Minister of Education Dr Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, a representative of the EU Commission as well as Rita Saias and Marius Schlageter, representatives of the National Youth Councils of the current and the upcoming EU Presidency
Live stream via Vimeo channel of DBJR (English)
Social Media
Furthermore, the EU Youth Conference is present in the social media. Under the hashtag #YouthConf, current information, voices, photos and videos as well as live impressions of the event are available on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Facebook: @euyouthconf
Instagram: @youthconf
Twitter: @euYOUTHconf