EU Youth Conference in Portugal
Foto: Aaron Remus/DBJR (CC0)
The EU Youth Conference is organised in the framework of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU. The Portuguese Ministry of Education and the Portuguese Youth Ring are hosting the conference. As with the Youth Conference in Germany in October 2020, the focus of the Portuguese EU Youth Conference continues to be on Youth Goal #9 "Space and Participation for All". The results and demands of the EU youth representatives from the "Berlin" EU Youth Conference have already been incorporated into political processes. Now work is to continue on the basis of these results and the results of the consultation phase. In concrete terms, it is about the implementation phase, in which Youth Goals are to become Youth Actions.
Our Vice-President Marius Schlageter will present the results of the German EU Youth Conference in his role as German partner of the Trio Presidency. The main objective of the Portuguese EU Youth Conference is to develop a plan for the work of decision-makers, youth organisations and young people at local, national and European level during the implementation phase of the 8th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue. In the third EU Youth Conference in Slovenia, an evaluation and recommendations will be made on the basis of this plan. The main outcome of the EU Youth Conference in Portugal will be a toolbox of actions, measures and policy recommendations to achieve the European Youth Goal #9 and its 7 sub-goals.
Marius Schlageter says: "It is extremely important that young people across Europe stand together with national governments and the European institutions for more good youth participation. The EU Youth Conference in Portugal is a great opportunity for this!"
The three EU youth representatives for Germany are Wendla Schaper, Annalena Di Carlo and Max Schoen. They are looking forward to the Portuguese EU Youth Conference and the joint exchange. They will take the opinions and ideas of young people from Germany collected in the Youth Dialogue with them and bring them into the talks in Portugal.
As with the German EU Youth Conference, the EU youth representatives will summarise their experiences and results in a report.