Never again war but lasting peace
Europe needs us. We are committed to ensuring that young people are able to come to terms with European politics, get involved, vote and get involved together across borders. "We have the courage to think future-oriented and to further develop the European Union," says our board member Christoph Röttgers. The Union will not function sustainably and in the long term without young people committed to it. We seek exchange with young people from other European countries, network. And we formulate concrete expectations of Europe: the EU must secure and strengthen democracy and the rule of law in Europe. We demand a transparent and sustainable EU budget with its own resources. The EU must guarantee all people a life of dignity, without poverty and social exclusion. An asylum and migration policy based on human rights is the task of all member states. "Rescue at sea is a humanitarian duty to save human lives and not a crime," says our board member Jannis Pfendtner.
We need Europe. It guarantees peace and freedom. It offers young people in particular boundless perspectives for diverse life plans. We have a common currency, can travel and work freely, meet and make friends. "We want to take responsibility for ensuring that Europe's fundamental values once again take centre stage," says Lisi Maier. We therefore call on civil society and the European Parliament to play a central role in a transparent and comprehensible legislative process. Young people must be able to participate here. "That's why we're calling for a lowering of the voting age in Europe," says Christoph Röttgers.
At the European elections we can make our ideas and visions of Europe clear. "We must use our democratic right and make it clear by taking part in the elections that we stand by Europe," says Jannis Pfendtner. That's why: Vote on May 26! And everyone under 18 can show in the U18 election on 17 May how they would decide in the European elections - if they were allowed to.