Youth Dialogue European politics

Explanatory video: EU Youth Dialogue

In this video we explain the EU Youth Dialogue and how young people can bring their ideas and demands into the political process. EU Youth Conferences are an important part of the Youth Dialogue.

The EU Youth Dialogue allows young people to engage in dialogue with political decision makers and discuss their concerns and demands.

The EU Youth Dialogue takes place at all levels and in many ways: at EU Youth Conferences, in Europe-wide surveys, in projects, or at national events. There are various ways in which you can get involved.

For example, there are dialogue events, workshops and Youth Dialogue projects which take place all over Germany. Here, young people can voice their demands, have discussions with political decision makers and work out solutions together.

Another way to introduce ideas and demands is to participate in online surveys and other tools facilitating digital participation. This means that results in the form of ideas, demands and solutions can be collected everywhere as part of the Youth Dialogue.

The EU youth delegates then take the results to the EU Youth Conferences where they meet other EU youth delegates and policymakers. The EU youth delegates discuss their demands on an equal footing with the policymakers of the EU.

The results of the Youth Dialogue are disseminated to political decision makers at all levels. In this way, political decision makers can incorporate the demands and ideas of young people in their political decisions.

All participation opportunities and results can be viewed at

Themen: Youth Dialogue European politics