Explanatory video: Council of the EU Presidency and youth
The European Commission, European Parliament, European Council and Council of the European Union are institutions of the European Union. The Commission, Parliament and Council of the EU negotiate most EU laws together. The governments of the member states are represented in the Council of the European Union. It is also simply called the “Council”. The ministers meet in ten different council configurations. For example in the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council configuration.
Every six months the Presidency of the Council changes, a country then takes over the Presidency of the Council. Given that six months pass quickly, three countries form a Trio Presidency. They set common goals. Holding the chairmanship entails: Creating the agenda, submitting drafts, writing minutes, leading negotiations, finding compromises. The National Youth Councils are in contact with the ministries. When Council documents are prepared, National Youth Councils may be involved. The National Youth Councils are responsible for implementing the EU Youth Dialogue in the member states. They are also often involved in the planning of EU Youth Conferences. Young people can, thus, help shape EU policy.