Outcomes of the EU Youth Conference
Harvesting Summary
A detailed report on the conference based on the work of the Harvesting Team, a group of young people who documented the conference. Go to Harvesting Summary.
Around 40 pages + 60 pages of annexes – For in-depth reading
Main Outcomes
The document focusses on the political demands that were formulated at the end of the conference including key aspects from the discussions that lead to the developments of the demands. Go to Main Outcomes.
15 pages – For follow up-processes
Conference Report
The Conference Report gives an overview of what the conference was all about. It puts the conference into context and explains how the programme was set up. Its focus lies on the outcomes of the conference and what they can be used for in the future. Go to Conference Report.
13 pages – For an overview of the conference
The seven demands of the EU youth delegates can be put forward as political demands and they can be used in the daily work of youth organisations. The seven digital postcards can be used in a variety of ways to disseminate the demands of young people in Europe. Go to Postcards.
7 postcards – To spread the demands widely
Organising the first digital EUYC - Experiences and Recommendations
With the document "Organising EUYC - Experiences and Recommendations" we want to report what we learned and what we can recommend based on our conference and thus pass on ideas to others. Go to Experiences and Recommendations.
34 pages - For insights into the organisation of the EU Youth Conference
News & Articles
We have already published various news and articles before and during the conference on our website. Go to EU Youth Conference website.